"Show me all of my family photos,
now show me the birthdays, ok - not the mother-in-law birthdays ;-)"
With DTS you only see the tags that are active (not your entire list of tags).
With DTS the tag list automatically adjusts to show ONLY the tags that apply to your selection result.
Fast: DTS has found 100 pictures in a collection of 20,000 within one second!
By using DTS, you do not need to duplicate photographs when you are making up collections and slideshows.
Database Driven
The advantage of a database is that it can keep all of the information about your photographs in one place. This includes the tags and thumbnails which means you can do tagging even if the photographs are not actually present (in the case where you keep your collection on external media).
You can also tag files which do not normally support tagging (BMP, AVI, MPEG etc).
In fact, you can have tags on everyformat that APM uses (Bitmaps, PNG, AVI, JPegs... The lot!).
Bulk Tagging
Use DTS to select the images to tag (you can even tag your entire collection).
Define the number of buckets to suit your tagging needs (for this session). E.g. A bucket for Family, Friends, Holiday, Work, Landscape etc.
Add buckets on the fly (up to 18, depending on screen resolution), but we recommend no more then 10.
Remove buckets on the fly
Number keys for quick moving of images into each bucket.
Have the same image in more than one bucket.
Apply multiple tags to the images within a bucket.
Apply a favorite set of tags (you can define as many favorites as you like).
Remove tags "active" against the images.
Export your tag list
Import pre-existing tag lists (e.g. Countries of the World, States of the US)
Speed Tagging
Speed tagging is a very powerful feature for quickly attaching tags to images. It is especially useful when there are sets of tags that you commonly attach to photos.
Bulk Renaming
Use DTS to obtain the list of images you want to rename.
Rename the files with a series number prefix/suffix, text to add, and partial/full removal of the original name.
You can also reorder the images as you choose before the renaming event, just by dragging and dropping the thumbnail images into the required order.
Bulk Export
Use DTS to obtain the list of images you want to export.
E.g. Images to Email, Copy to USB stick, upload to the web, etc.
Multiple transparent watermarks
Format Conversions (e.g. Jpg to BMP)
Resize (i.e. Convert to 600x800)
Rotation Adjustments
Full screen preview of result available (before exporting)
Photograph Date Stamping
APM takes advantage of the inherent data that comes with a digital photograph. It can even correct the dates in that data (exif).
Again because of the database design, even image formats that do not support recording a "date taken", can have a "date taken" stored against that image (and not just based on the name of the file, or the folder that it resides in).
APM also provides a bulk offset adjustment which is handy if your digital camera had the wrong date/time. Instead of adjusting each image one at a time, you can apply an offset to adjust the date/time to the correct value.
Comprehensive Comparison Feature
Compare two thru to six images at once.
Either zoom into each photo to "review" an area, or use the magnify option to just inspect a small area.
Tag the images while comparing (no need to exit)
Move Together option (zoom and image placement mimicked in all images).
Duplicate Image Detection
During the upload of the images into APM, image duplication checking can be performed.
This can detect duplicates even when the copy has a different file name, or was altered.
It can even detect duplicate movie files (avi's, mpeg etc).
Auto Rotation on Upload
Where the information is available, APM will automatically correct your digital photos orientation during the import phase.
Age Tracking
Show peoples ages based on when the photograph was taken.
Great for photos of kids, as you can instantly know just how old (or young) they were in the photo.
Note: This can be switched off after a cetain age.
Tag in Picture
Show who or what that is in the image, with the Tag in Picture feature.
No longer dos you have to write a description trying to describe where someone/everyone is within the image.
Just drag and drop the name (or tag) onto the image and place over the person/object you want to identify.
You can place as many tags within the picture as you require. Even works on movie files.
Image Editing
Fix up those common image niggles.
While the in-built APM editor cannot compete against Image editor software (this is not what APM is about), you can still perform basic image editing within APM. And due to the nature of APM, the images you may want to edit do not have to reside in the one folder (unlike convential editors).
Make a slide show out of any tag list.
Your slideshow can contain images and/or movies.
Since the slideshow works of a tag(s), the same photo can appear in more than one slidshow, and you still only have ONE copy of that image.